This is a project based on practical, interactive, and experiment-based learning, in which science and real life are brought together and the student is motivated to reflect on big questions.

The methodology used is the project based learning (PBL), with experiments guided by the scientific method and aimed at achieving the following objectives:

  • Unify the methodology in the Neurodidactics project and its practical activities, with more resources and experimental materials in the classroom.
  • Align the class resources with didactic units.
    • Use of maps, magnifying glasses, microscopes, posters, educational games to learn about the senses and to study the human body.
    • Use of simple mechanic models, timelines, class weather stations, etc.
    • Experiments with electricity circuit sets and mineral collection.
  • Learn about responsibility while respecting and caring for pets and plants in the class in order to have a direct experience with nature in the classroom.
  • Create blogs in order to support the “flipped classroom” methodology and to do scientific experiments at home, fostering the interaction between the family and the school.
  • Encourage the students to carry out their own practical cases, using the scientific method, and to present them at the science corner (flash cards, themed posters, lab books, science notebooks, records of observations, etc.)
  • To make a “Time travel” in order to improve the student’s knowledge about history, creating a “timeline” that they will present to their families at an event at the end of the academic year. Each Primary school class will elaborate on a period of history that will have a project that encompasses the period.
  • To create learning journals with themes related to units that were worked on in the classroom.
  • The creation of a science lab/class in Primary school with a particular subject.

This project, which was started during the 2015-2016 school year, is carried out in Primary school and is integrated in the Neurodidactics project.
