We consider Primary Education to be a stage in which the main objective of the educational process is to fully develop the student’s personal growth. To do this we take the neurodidactics methodology as a foundation, with an innovative model of learning based on projects, challenges, collaborative learning techniques and the development of social and emotional education programmes.

Students in this stage work with iPads from the 1st to 4th year of Primary Education.  As of the 5th year of Primary Education, each pupil must bring their own iPad, to work with “one to one,” using it as a working tool both in the classroom and at home. We have different content platforms, some of which have been developed by teachers at the school. Robotics is an area of the curriculum dictated as of the 1st year of Primary Education, and is also used as a cross-curricular tool across different subjects.

We consider this stage in its essentially educational dimension, in the broadest sense of the word. During the stage, a solid basis should gradually be acquired for later learning and above all a set of competencies, abilities and skills, all addressed from the development of a global curriculum project, enhancing logical-mathematical thinking, language skills in Spanish and English, and digital skills, thereby contributing to the development of personal autonomy and a culture of critical thinking and problem solving.

At this stage, we also attach great importance to learning English through “immersion courses,” which account for almost 50% of the school day and are taught mostly by native English teachers. English is used as the teaching language in different subjects. The goal is that at the end of the 6th year of Primary Education, students sit the Trinity College ISE I examination, equivalent to the B-1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).

As of the 5th year of Primary Education, students start studying a second foreign language, and they can choose between German and French.

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